Welcome to Mother Catherine Academy
Spirit Week
Student Emily Winter, February 11
During spirit week all the kids enjoyed participating in the fun themes we had. Monday was Jersey Day, Tuesday was Class Color Day, Wednesday was Decades Day, Thursday was Wacky Tacky Day, and Friday was School Spirit Day. On Friday we also had our annual MCA Alumni vs. MCA 8th grade basketball game! The Alumni won 19 to 16. During the game, the classes had a free throw competition, where the winning ... (Full Story & Photos)
Friends & Family Lunch
Student Emily Winter, February 11
During Catholic Schools Week, MCA families got to enjoy our annual spaghetti lunch in! All the kids and their families got to spend quality time together and eat some delicious spaghetti too!... (Full Story & Photos)
Thanksgiving Macy’s Day Parade by Kindergarten
Member Kimberly Beachy, November 27
Kindergarten discussed traditions last week. They read “Balloons Over Broadway”, watched parts of last years Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, and watched informational videos on how the actual balloons are made from start to finish! They brainstormed, planned, designed and created their own Thanksgiving day parade balloons! Kindergarten paraded the school to show off their wonderful creations on the ... (Full Story & Photos)
VFW of Avenue Visits First Grade
Member Kimberly Beachy, November 13
The VFW of Avenue visited our first grade classroom today to talk about the history of the American Flag. Students learned about the flag and why it has a certain number of stripes and stars. They also learned how to take care of the flag. Each student was gifted their own flag in a wooden block.... (Full Story & Photos)
Fourth Grade Egg Drop
Member Kimberly Beachy, October 09
The kids always look forward to the annual egg drop project! If you’re unfamiliar with this popular STEM activity, the challenge is for kids to design a contraption using various materials (usually recyclables) to protect a raw egg from a high fall. Students were instructed to bring in materials from home for their egg contraptions. After collecting materials over a few days, students were able to ... (Full Story & Photos)
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